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Proudly served over 35,000 gamers worldwide since 2019.
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-Supports Windows 10 : (All Version)
-English menu.
-HWID Lock.
Key Features: Enemy ESP, Enemy distance, Enemy info (player, bot), Aimbot with Lock-ons capable, Items ESP with price filters, no recoil /no sway mod, stamina and no breath mods, FOV customizable, aim bone selector, extraction points ESP, Aim key selector.
Reasons to buy this product:
* Auto-update feature, any small changes or updates will be patched in a matter of minutes.
* No more than 24 hours offline, and if so time back will be given back to you.
* Easy to navigate the menu with a clean look and full customization options.
* Developers with long experience now managing hacks for (PUBG, COD, R6, Valorant and Rust)
* We will show you how to use an aimbot on your controller, however only on PC do the hacks work!