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Welcome To MW/WarZone Mars Setup Page

You will need WinRAR access this client!

WinRAR is free program, and you can download it by pressing HERE

Download and Install two files bellow:

1) Download Microsoft VC_redist by pressing HERE

2) Download and install all 4 software that are included HERE

- You need to extract the second option (once downloaded) into a folder. Use WinRAR as shown HERE
- Second link provided above, has 4 folder, make sure to install all of them for cheat to work.
- In folder (2) run both tools for Direct X
- In folder (4) The app is in Chinese, its okay, click the option that is labeled (N) twice then click (F) to finish.


First preparation:

1) Make sure to have game set in Border-Less and not Full-Screen in game settings

2)  Delete any antivirus on your Pc, deactivation is not enough

3)  Download Defender Control 1.6 from HERE, and make sure its RED color and says disabled

4) Disable Fast Boot as shown HERE

5) Disable secure boot from BIOS (If unable to do so delete key management)

6) Disable all FireWall settings

7) Please disable ANY and all overlays. This includes, Nvidia, Discord, Xbox Game Bar and any other misc. overlays

- Make sure COD and is closed before proceeding to next steps, you could get ban if you do not do this!  


Hack injection:

1) You can download the loader by Click "Download this file" located top right of this page.

2) Open the folder and launch the client as admin

4) Paste code you got
5) Click login / inject and wait for the CMD window to pop up telling you to launch MW warzone. 

6) Run as normally and launch COD

7) The menu will appear automatically to the left.

- Close and open the menu with HOME button on your keyboard. 

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